A loan helped him to buy and sell malanga (tropical roots).

Roger's story

Roger has many years working as an associate in a small company where he sells the malanga he produces. He has two manzanas (1 manzana = 1.7 acres) of malanga which he sells to an export company where they give him satisfactory prices, higher than the market price.
Roger's business is to buy plots of farmed malanga and finish cultivating the crops to ensure he meets the specifications required by the company to which he sells when the product is ready for harvest. It is a highly profitable business.
He is requesting the loan to buy plots of malanga to sell later to the export company where he obtains good earnings. With this income Roger has improved his financial conditions and those of his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers to diversify, and thus stabilize, their families' sources of income.

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