A loan helped a member to buy a bag of Diana brand products, a package of bath soap, a pack of sugar, a can of oil, and a pack of rice.

La Colonia De Leon Group's story

Meet the La Colonia de Leon Group from Leon, Nicaragua, which is in its 10th cycle. It consists of eight members who are well-known for their punctual payment habit. The main businesses in the group are a grocery store and sales of shoes, cell phone accessories and perfume.

Johanna Eleonora (wearing a striped top and light blue capri pants), is 48 years old. She considers herself a kind, responsible person. She is married and has two boys, ages 25 and 15 who both study. Her partner works, and seven people live in her house.

For 20 years she has been running a grocery store. What she enjoys most about her business is the interaction with her customers. The challenge she faces in her business is the low sales volume.

She will use the loan to buy a bag of Diana brand products, a package of bath soap, a pack of sugar, a can of oil and a pack of rice. Her hopes and dreams for the future are to expand her business. She encourages women to start a business.

Help her to grow her business!

In this group: Adriana Lisseth , Maritza Yanet , Johanna Eleonora , Danelia , Maydely Johanna , Reyna Isabel , Hector Luis , Ignacio Benito

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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