A loan helped to buy more clothes for the winter and summer seasons to meet the demands of her customers in the village and increase her sales.

Marina's story

Marina is 28, single, and lives with her parents in upper Egypt. She is selling clothes, is an independent woman, and has a small project that she started last year when she asked for a loan from TADE - this project is considered her main income source. Her project is a clothes shop. She asks for a loan to expand her project by buying more clothes for the winter and summer seasons in order to meet the demands of her customers in the village and increase her sales. This loan will help her family have a better life and provide her family with basic living needs because this project is the main source of income. She is a good client and has paid all her due installments on time. So, she aspires to get this loan to continue her success and achieve her ambition.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details