A loan helped a member to buy sand in order to make bricks and boost their initial investment.

Yatosha/Sg Group's story

Mme MARTHA is a client of Hekima IMF and leader of the groupe villageoise "YATOSHA/SG". She is 50 years old, a widow and the mother of 6 children all of whom have finished their schooling. She sells bricks, a business which she started in 1992 with funds from her late husband. Later, she asked the Hekima programme to support her business with which she was making steady progress.
With this new loan, she will purchase sand for the manufacture of bricks which will boost her initial investment. Her business does not have any issues.
She would like to continue to develop her business. Finally, she wishes to thank Hekima and its partners for the support given to businesses struggling in the context of the global Covid 19 crisis. The photo is only of the group leader because of social distancing measures in place due to Covid 19.

In this group: Martha , Lydie, Byenda, Esperance, Jenne

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Helen Speake.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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