A loan helped to restock for the winter season.

Saba's story

Saba, a 25-year-old Jordanian woman, recognized the need to supplement her family's income despite having completed high school. To address this, she embarked on a home-based clothing business in her area, driven by encouragement from friends and initial successful sales to neighbors and acquaintances.

Seeking financial support from MFW, Saba invested in clothes, stands, and packaging, successfully building a strong customer base through word of mouth and social media.

Experiencing financial independence, she dreams of opening a clothing shop for more efficient customer service. Currently, Saba is seeking 700 JOD to restock for the winter season. Your support can help Saba continue thriving in her entrepreneurial journey and move closer to realizing her dream.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details