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A loan helped purchase products to make food and drinks.

Daysi Del Carmen's story

For more than three years, Daysi del Carmen E. V.has been an active merchant at the Israel Lewite Market. She works Monday through Sunday, from 7 am to 6 pm. She is a single mother of two children, both of whom are attending school. She and her children depend on her business. This loan is intended for the purchase of merchandise for her business. It is her first loan with Ceprodel and she wants to use it to purchase items that she needs to make food and drinks with.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (16)
  • Lee Zalben New York, NY, United States
  • Dale & Lindsay Palm Springs, CA, United States
  • Basanta kumar Barik Singapore, Singapore
  • C
    Carol Cleveland, WI, United States
  • PinaWongFoundation Miami, FL, United States
  • Geir Oslo, Norway
  • J
    jim Wellington, AK, United States
  • Sherryn Melbourne, Australia
  • Julie Lenswood, South Australia, Australia
  • michael Dover coastal region, United Kingdom
Contributing teams (5)

Loan details

Lee Zalben
New York, NY, United States
Dale & Lindsay
Palm Springs, CA, United States
Basanta kumar Barik
Singapore, Singapore
Cleveland, WI, United States
Miami, FL, United States
Oslo, Norway
Wellington, AK, United States
Melbourne, Australia
Lenswood, South Australia, Australia
Dover coastal region, United Kingdom
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