A loan helped a member to buy crockery to resell.

06-Kir Group's story

This group comprising 20 members was set up in 2007. It was created with the aim of enabling the members to develop economic activities. The members live in the same neighbourhood and are united by family ties and a strong sense of mutual support. Their main business is retail sales.

Mame Awa, the group's representative, is on the right hand side of the photo with her hand raised. She is a 45 year old married woman with 3 children, including 1 boy.

Mame Awa has a shop in the market where she sells crockery, and has over 10 years of experience. With this loan, she plans to add to her stock of merchandise.

With the profits, Mame Awa plans to reinvest in her business, put some away as savings and also contribute to the costs of her children's education.

In this group: Mame Awa, Fatou, Mame Fatou, Diaba, Seynabou, Sokhna, Ngana, Bator , Diama, Astou, Diarra , Ndeye, Mbene, Maguette, Amy, Arame, Arame Mbodji, Khady Seck, Bineta , Fatou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Emma Nendick.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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