A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Sei's story

Sei still runs her weaving business very well. Her loans are her business's financial supporters. She was taught by her mother how to do weaving, and Sei used those skills to make a living for her three kids. They are all still young and need the full support of their mother. She and her mother conduct their own weaving business at their home, and there they weave mats, taovala, and fihu using white pandanus.

Most weavers use white pandanus because it is soft and easier to weave, but it has a high price when weaving taovala or mats. She applies for this loan to buy pandanus for her weaving. Providing for the needs of her children is the most important task for Sei.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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