A loan helped me purchase the tools and inventory necessary for my maintenance & repair business to provide quality service!

Jeisson's story

I am a man, husband, father and immigrant dreamer born in Colombia, and since I was very young I was inclined to entrepreneurship since my parents were always independent and had their businesses.

In my native country, I studied graphic communication and had a business with my wife - it was manufacturing and selling women's clothing. Unfortunately my parent's family and I had persecution and death threats.

In 2016, I moved to the United States requesting political asylum for my wife, my children and myself. We arrived with big dreams for my family and me; during this time, I had some challenges, such as language and cultural differences. However, this did not stop me from dreaming and thinking big because, in the last seven years, I found my passion for working in air conditioning maintenance and home remodeling, this led me to create my own business and think big.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Segura’s services and maintenance

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details