A loan helped to support her business by buying mulberry and tapa-paper for her tapa-making.

Pafusi's story

Pafusi is married to a carpenter, and they have eight beautiful children. Currently, she runs a tapa-making business, where she joins her mother, her sisters, and her aunts in making tapas.

They run this business at Pafusi's mother's house. Their tapa-making is conducted twice a week, giving them the opportunity to make more tapas and earn more income from selling it.

With her last loan, Pafusi was able to repair their rotten roof. This loan is to support her business, by buying mulberry and tapa-paper. It is her long-term goal to renovate their old wooden house, so her children will have a good home to grow up in.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details