A loan helped to buy mulberry and pandanus for her weaving and tapa-making.

Mele's story

Mele is a mother of six, who has a long-running weaving and tapa-making business to provide for her family. Tapa is a patterned cloth made from the bark of the mulberry tree. Mele's husband works as a farmer and supports Mele with her business, since it is their primary source of income.

Every week, Mele joins a group of women and together they make tapas. They make different types and sizes of tapas, then sell out to local and overseas customers.

Mele also weaves with the same group of women. They weave mats, taovala (a mat to be worn around the waist), and fihu (a soft white mat). She applies for this loan to buy pandanus and mulberry, which are the raw weaving material needed for her business.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details