The group was created in September 2013. These 13 female members live in the same locality. They are in retail sales to improve their living conditions.
Madame Mouskéba, 53 years old with her hand raised in the photo, is the leader of the group. Married and the mother of six children, she has three children in her care.
With her new loan, she plans to buy bags of carrots, heads of cabbage, and smoked fish to resell. The profits generated will be used to reinforce her savings and to improve her children's living conditions.
In this group: Maye, Labaly, Diarra, Sadio, Mai , Kady, Sira, Diontang, Mbinkinding, Mbinkinding, Mouskeba, Satou, Sarta, Awa, Mai , Fanta, Niamana, Fatoumata, Awanding, Binta, Maimouna, Dieneba, Karamo, Fatou, Amy Colle, Fatou, Mariama
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Holly Torpey. View original language description.