A loan helped to buy school supplies and tuition fees for her two children.

Hàn's story

Mrs. Hàn, a 52-year-old woman living in the coastal area of Quang Xuong district, is facing financial difficulties in supporting her children's education. Despite her hard work in poultry farming, providing rice milling services, and other labor-intensive jobs, her income is barely enough to make ends meet.

With a daughter in her third year at a university in Hanoi, located 150 kilometers away from home, and a 17-year-old son still in school, she is determined to provide them with the best education possible. However, the family's financial situation has made it challenging for her to afford school supplies and tuition fees.

In hopes of securing a better future for her children, Hàn has decided to ask for this loan from Thanh Hoa MFI, of which she has been a member since 2013. She aspires for her children to have the opportunity to receive a quality education and build promising careers.

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details