A loan helped to purchase cattle and milking equipment.

Sergiu's story

Sergiu is 34 years old. He is married and has two children aged nine and twelve. He is a young farmer who has two cattle and also deals with collecting milk from the village and then selling it to the milk factory.

Sergiu's biggest dream is to buy four cows and a milking machine. He has some savings, but they are insufficient, so he is asking for a loan from Kiva, hoping that he will be able to expand his business. This loan would help Sergiu to grow his farm, and the milking machine would greatly ease his daily work. As a result, the surrounding people will have fresh, quality dairy products on their meals. With the proceeds from selling milk, Sergiu will invest in the development of his children, providing them with good education and quality studies.

This loan is special because:

It provides working capital for rural populations to start and grow businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details