A loan helped a member to buy more good quality used clothing.

Estrellas De Belen Group's story

A sign found frequently in almost every village and town in Guatemala saying “Hoy se abre paca” refers to a bale of used clothing from the United States that is being opened that day. Selling used clothing is a popular business and the way that forty-three-year-old Merly has earned income for sixteen years. She also sells personal care products via catalog sales. This busy entrepreneur is a mother of five children and grandmother of one. Her husband left to work in the United States seven years ago. Merly shares that she left school after the third grade because she did not like it and started working as a domestic. She understands the importance of a good education and two of her children completed high school. The youngest just finished kindergarten. Her goals are to enlarge the business and earn more income. She requests her fourth Kiva loan to buy more used clothing.

Merly is the Treasurer of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Estrellas de Belen” or “Stars of Bethlehem” located in the department/state of Retalhuleu. There are seven women in the group who sell chicken, tortillas, prepared foods, vegetables, American used clothing and personal care products. Others manage their convenience stores. Since they have little or no formal education, their monthly educational training (business, health, family, women), part of the “Microcredit Plus” program, is essential for their success.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for your kindness in funding these much-appreciated loans!

In this group: Juana , Franni Josefa , Sandra Etelvina , Lesvia Azucena , Merly Yojana , Claudia Giorgina, Gladys Roxana

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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