The partners belong to the community bank “INVERSIONES-CHAMACA”. This bank is located in the Chamaca district, in the Chumbivilca province of Cusco.
The partner Clorinda has a family business in which she sells groceries, since the region is far from the capital. It is difficult for her to find commodities as she must ask for delivery to her location, but she loves her district and wants to help it to grow and improve. In order to do so, she needs to buy crackers, soda, rice, sugar, and other provisions.
She is happy with the opportunity the she has now due to the loan and is committed to paying her dues back on time.
The other partners are dedicated to the agriculture business, to selling cows and food, and to rearing animals.
In this group: Clorinda, Balvina, Martha, Antonia, Ayde, Julia
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.