A loan helped to connecting her house to the aqueduct system.

Aliona's story

Aliona is 48-years old, married, and has two children. She has dedicated her life to her children and has invested a lot in their education. All the money they have set aside in the last few years, has been invested in the construction and repair of their house.

The house was in a deplorable condition, but Aliona, together with her husband, managed to replace the doors and windows, and strengthened the walls.

They couldn't connect their house to the water system because of the lack of finances. This is an indispensable thing in each house; most of the nearby wells have run out of drinking wate. Aliona has to bring water from long distances; that creates inconveniences.

Aliona dreams of connecting their house to the water system. That’s why she has decided to apply for a Kiva loan and hopes to be helped.

This loan is special because:

It improves a family’s health through water and sanitation.

Loan details

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Loan details