A loan helped to buy a variety of products to further stock her grocery store, and to buy food for her chickens.

Rossana Cecibel's story

Rossana Cecibel is 49 years old. She is married and has three grown children with her husband. He is a merchant. They live in Portoviejo, a place with beautiful country landscapes and beaches, and a varied gastronomy enjoyed by tourists when they visit this lovely city.

Rossana is a hardworking woman who seeks a way to make resources in order to help her husband with the household expenses. She manages to do this with loans.

She has a grocery store in her house. She sells a variety of products there, managing to satisfy the needs of her customers who arrive to her locale to buy. She always gives them the best service.

Rossana also works raising chickens. She sells them alive or by the pound from her store, to neighbors from the area. This loan is to buy a variety of products to further stock her store, and to buy food for her chickens.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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