A loan helped to buy bananas, lard, salt, nets, fishing line, fuel and other fishing materials.

Edith Paquita's story

Edith Paquita and her family live in Los Arenales, a place of beautiful beaches and hardworking people dedicated to fishing.

She is a hardworking woman who, together with her husband, seeks a way to earn an income with which to bring up her family.

She has a shop selling plantain chips. In her house she makes plantain chips and matures them, then sells them from her house or sends them to local businesses who buy them from her.

Part of the loan is for fish, they have a boat in which the husband and their children go onto the high seas to fish. Once they return, she helps them clean and sell the fish. This is how she makes her living and it is thanks to help from the loans.

This loan is to buy bananas, lard, salt, nets, fishing line, fuel and other fishing materials.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Philip Walker.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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