A loan helped to buy clothing, perfume, creams, jewelry, and makeup, amongst other products.

Jacqueline Maribel's story

Jacqueline Maribel is 33 years old and maintains a free union relationship. She has three children ages 14, 10, and 2, and she is in her fifth month of pregnancy with her fourth child. Her husband is a laborer.

They live in Portoviejo, Ecuador, a beautiful place with rural landscapes, beaches, and varied gastronomy that is enjoyed by tourists when they visit this pretty city.

She is a very hard-working woman who is looking for a way to earn income and thus to help her husband with household expenses. She works selling clothing and Avon and Yanbal products like perfume, creams, makeup, and costume jewelry. She makes her sales going door-to-door, as well as from her home and via social media. She sells on credit and charges weekly. In this way she is trying to improve her life and that of her family. This is thanks to the help from the loan, for which she is very grateful. This loan will be used to buy clothing, perfume, creams, jewelry, and makeup, amongst other products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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