A loan helped to support a Rainforest Alliance-certified social enterprise hiring rural women with better paying, dignified jobs and health support.

Cattleya's story

Cattleya Flores is a flower producer working to improve the livelihoods of 350 rural individuals in Cundinamarca, Colombia, a region where quality employment opportunities are scarce and families face difficulties to cover basic needs such as food, housing, and education. Company provides over 30% higher income and support their well-being and professional development.

Cattleya hires from rural areas where many people depend on farming activities such as cattle ranching for their livelihoods. In addition to paying low, unstable income, these agricultural practices harm the environment. By paying dignified wages, Cattleya supports its workers – over half of whom are women who are the primary earners of their families – to improve their quality of life and break the cycle of poverty. The social enterprise’s health and education initiatives, and community engagement and conservation projects are just some of the ways it upholds the well-being of its workers and actively engages in the local community.

Cattleya is certified by Rainforest Alliance for its sustainable practices and regularly runs training sessions to equip its employees with knowledge to care for the environment while developing eco-friendly production skills.

The flower production market is a crucial part of the local economy in Cundinamarca. Your loan will allow Cattleya to employ more individuals from rural communities where poverty remains high and to improve the livelihoods of family providers, especially women. It will be repaid through the sale of roses, carnations, and daisies to clients in the US.

This loan is special because:

It supports businesses that are too big for microfinance but too small for banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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