A loan helped a member to buy honey, peanuts, potatoes, shoes, and palm oil.

08-Niafor Group's story

These 3 women are members of this group set up in April 2008. They have a good relationship. They own small businesses to achieve a certain autonomy. Madame Saly, aged 56, with her hand raised in the photo, is the leader of the group. Married and mother of 4 children, she cares for 2 other dependent children.
With her new loan, she plans to buy honey, peanuts, potatoes, shoes, and palm oil to sell. The profits will be used to buy fields to plant cashews.

In this group: Nialing, Saliy, Mame Sokhna

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Carol Shea.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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