A loan helped to buy pants, shirts, blouses, children's clothes, and underwear, among other clothing items, to sell.

Pamela Nicolle's story

Pamela Nicolle is 19 years old. She is in a common law marriage, and has two children who are two years old and seven months old. Her husband is a farmer. They live in Santa Ana, a place of beautiful country landscapes and fresh water spas that are visited by tourists in all seasons of the year.

Pamela is a hardworking woman who seeks a way to make her own income in order to help her husband move their household forward. She works selling clothes. She sells door-to-door, in her home, and through social media. She sells on credit and collects payments every eight days.

This is how she is trying to move forward, and trying to give a life with dignity to her children. This loan is to buy pants, shirts, blouses, children's clothes, and underwear, among other clothing items

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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