A loan helped a member to buy wood and an industrial stove with a flat griddle for her new food business.

Mujeres De Amistad Yepocapa Group's story

Walking through the streets of the communities in the highlands of Guatemala, stands selling delicious food can be seen. This is Rosalba's business. She is 42 years old and is the mother of three children aged from 14 to 19 years old. Rosalba feels pleased as her efforts are being rewarded seeing her children study in secondary school. Since she was young she help her mother with her food business and shared the profits. However four years ago she started her own business selling wood and food (on weekends). Three days a week she sells live chickens. her objective is to expand both businesses and open two others. She plans to open sales of lunch, dinner and a tortilla stand. With this 3rd loan from Kiva she will buy more wood and an industrial stove with a flat griddle for her new food business.

There are eight women who make up the Friendship Bridge “Mujeres de Amistad Yepocapa” communal bank in the department/state of Chimaltenango. They have an average of 4 years of education and sell food /soft drinks, raise chickens, have beauty salons, sell traditional clothing and tortillas. Their monthly educational sessions are part of the “Microcrédito Plus” program and essential for their success. Recent themes have been about business administration, empowerment and health. Other subjects are taken from three areas that include women and families.

Thank you!

In this group: Estela , Heydi Carolina , Lesbia Carolina , Wendy Maricela , Maria Elena , Rosalba , Ana Lourdes, Gloria Elizabeth

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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