A loan helped to repair house bathroom to improve sanitation conditions, ensuring more healthy living for his family.

Gheorghe's story

Gheorghe is 47 years old, from the village of Macaresti, Ungheni district. He's married and lives with his family and children in his own house. He works as a welder with wrought metal.

The money he earns he invests in his house. His wife takes care of it. He has a big and beautiful garden in which he grows vegetables and flowers. This brings Gheorghe a lot of satisfaction. He loves what he does. He dreams of a peaceful life with good living conditions, which the couple richly deserves. He did most of the building and furnishing of their house.

Now he has to finish a much-needed bathroom renovation. But not having enough money, he applied for a Kiva loan. As a result, Gheorghe will be able to buy the materials he needs to finish the bathroom repairs. This will make life easier for himself and his family.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details