A loan helped to buy vegetables from his neighbors and sell them in urban farmers market.

Alfonso Javier's story

Meet Alfonso Javier!

He is a young entrepreneur that wants to support his neighbors of his farming town by buying in bulk to sell in the urban markets of Panama.

Alfonso Javier is applying for his first loan to buy in bulk cassava, plantains, sweet potatoes and other vegetables from his farming community. Then transport them very early to the local farmers markets and commercialize them.

He hopes this is the very beginning of a food distribution company. Thank you for being part of Alfonso Javier's dream!

Alfonso Javier comes from a very small rural community located in a region that has been excluded from financial services. This loan would be very helpful for him and his young family.

This loan is special because:

It helps unbanked communities in rural areas gain access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details