A loan helped to buy iron and pay for the labor of someone to help her to build a wall.

Ariela Del Carmen's story

Ariela is 37 years old, and plays the role of mother and businesswoman. Previously, she invested a loan from these two institutions into her mill and tortilla business. Now, with great effort, she has managed to establish a convenience store to generate more income for her family.
In order to improve her business, Ariela requested a new Kiva loan through MiCrédito to buy iron and pay for the labor to help her build a wall. At a later date she will move her store from the living room to this more comfortable and accessible space. Ariela plans to stock her business with more variety in the future, buying sandals, clothes and cosmetics.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Phythian.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to short-term emergency loans.

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