A loan helped a member to buy cookies, sodas, rice, sugar and other groceries.

Villa San Pedro Group's story

These are the members of the Villa San Pedro Group which is located in the district, province and department of Cusco.

One of the members, Alejandrina, works in a family business which is a grocery store. She sells sweets, rice, sugar and other goods. Through her small business she is able to get ahead. She needs to buy cookies, soda, rice, sugar and other groceries. She is happy about this opportunity to receive the loan and is committed to paying it back on time.

The members in the individual photos could not be present because of work.

The group is grateful for the loan and committed to paying it back on time.

In this group: Sabina, Marleny, Yovana, Alejandrina, Gladis, Julia, Hermitaña, Carmen Rosa, Lucia Marleny, Yuliza, Edith, Maria Angela, Carmen Amelia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It uses a group-lending method to reach low-income borrowers.

Loan details

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