A loan helped to buy 40 broiler chicks and feed to nourish them.

Vonintsoa's story

Vonintsoa is very grateful to all the lenders who helped finance her business of raising broiler chickens. She has made a profit, and has been able to cover her expenses for food and other family necessities more easily. She has finished repaying her previous loan. She will continue to multiply her production, and this will require more capital.
For this reason, Vonintsoa asked for another loan to reinforce her capital. This time, she will buy 40 broiler chicks, 50 kg of starter feed and 70 kg of finishing feed. She hopes to make a lot of money. The family is planning to build a house, so Vonintsoa is going to build up her savings for this project and also for the children's schooling.
Once again, she is asking lenders for their support.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Aicha Aboukhait.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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Lenders and lending teams

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