A loan helped purchase supplies for planting onions.

Cruz Absalon's story

Sr. Cruz Absalon currently lives in the Namanji region. He is 30 years old, married, and has one child. Cruz has been farming for more than 16 years.

He is originally from the community of Los Arguetas in the Department of Jinotega, which is approximately 42 kilometers north of Esteli. At the age of six, he remembers helping his father with the farming duties around their home. He started by helping herd the cows and caring for the baby chicks. When he was 12 years old, Cruz planted his first crop with the help of a friend. Later when he was 18 years old, he started planting cabbage, also with the help of a friend.

When he got married at the age of 22, his mother-in-law helped him with the planting of cabbage and onions. During the off-season, he engages in the purchase and sale of cattle. Cruz applied for this loan in order to buy supplies for planting onions. He hopes to obtain larger crop yields that are of better quality since there is greater demand at the market. His goals include buying his own land, making improvements to his home, and becoming independent.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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