A loan helped to purchase cattle.

Gulnur's story

Gulnur T. is a 41-year-old villager, who lives in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan. She has two children. Her elder son studies in industrial college and her husband works at the local administration.

Gulnur has been engaged in cattle breeding for 18 years. She started it with the initial capital of 2,000 KGS and managed to develop her farm with the monthly profit of 4,000 KGS. Gulnur is a really hard-working woman and is known as a purposeful person. Her striving to provide her children with a better life motivate her to apply for a loan of 70,000 KGS for cattle breeding. She will use it to buy one cow, one bull calf and sheep. With the revenues, Gulnur plans to reconstruct her house.

Kiva's field partner Bai-Tushum and Partners uses Kiva funding to target the especially vulnerable population. Bai-Tushum and Partners is one of the leading microfinance institutions in Kyrgyzstan. As a reliable financial partner, Bai-Tushum contributes to the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic through the delivery of microfinance services in rural and urban areas. This leads to increased employment and meets the interests of both clients and investors.

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