A loan helped to buy mulberry for her business of making tapas, and also help with their house expansion.

Malia's story

This mother earn her income from making tapas and selling them out. Her name is Malia, and she is married to a carpenter. Together, they have six children, who all attend school. Once every week, Malia and a group of women gather in the church's hall and make tapas. They make more than one tapa, design them according to their likes or the customer's preferences, and then sell the tapas to local and overseas buyers. Malia advertises her tapas through the Internet, and from there, she receives more customers. Her business is one of the major sources of income for her family. Her husband and children are her main supporters, and they help with preparing her soft tapas. Malia and her husband plaan to expand their house, so their six children will have their own spaces. With this loan, some will be used on the house expansion, and some will help her business by buying mulberry to make more tapas.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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