A loan helped to procure the necessary materials for the insulation of the house.

Galina's story

Galina thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan which helped her to repair the bathroom in the house. Due to this, she was able improve sanitation conditions for the whole family.

Galina continues to work as a kindergarten assistant. She is a hardworking woman. She likes her job and hopes that she will be able to continue working. The pension she has is small and in order to get a better income she has to work. Galina's house is very nice, because she puts a lot of soul into it. Over the years, she has carried out several renovation and reconstruction works.

Now, the cold season of the year has come and in order to better maintain the heat inside the house, Galina needs to do some repair work. She wants to insulate the house. Construction materials being expensive, she is unable to procure everything necessary from her own sources.

Thus, Galina decided to request a loan from Kiva sources. Benefiting from the loan, she will manage to insulate the house. As a result, she will manage to improve the living conditions for a warmer house.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details