A loan helped a member to buy lemon juice and palm oil to sell.

Sarta's Group's story

Created in May of 2008, this group is composed of 8 women who live in the same town. They are active in the retail trade sector, and this is their main source of income.

Madame Regine, 65, is seen with her hand raised in the photo. She is responsible for the group. She is married, and is the mother of 1 child. She also has 2 other children in her care. With this new loan, she plans to buy lemon juice and palm oil to resell. With her profits, she will increase her savings and support her husband in taking care of the needs of the family.

In this group: Sarta, Dieneba, Aissatou, Binta Badji, Regine, Dieneba, Oulimata, Khady

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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