A loan helped to buy more materials and fabrics to make Mongolian national dresses.

Mendbayar's story

Mrs. Mendbayar is 40 years old and lives with her husband and three sons in a 'ger', a traditional Mongolian nomadic tent, in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. Her eldest son is a student in a local university and two other boys study in secondary school.

Mrs.Mendbayar has been running a tailoring business for 12 years. She rents a workshop in one of the busiest areas of Ulaanbaatar and employs three dressmakers. Her husband also helps in her business. Recently they have attended a handbag-making course and besides dresses, they have started making handbags as well.

During the last 12 years they have accumulated quite a lot of experience in tailoring and have a lots of trusted customers. Mrs. Mendbayar’s sales volume has reached 1500 USD in Mongolian tugrugs a month. Mongolians are looking forward to their Lunar New Year celebration in February 2011 and traditionally they wear national dress on that occasion. Thus Mrs.Mendbayar has lots of orders to make up. She wants to use the loan to buy more materials and fabrics to make Mongolian national dresses.

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