A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Dewa's story

Dewa is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in handcrafted sterling silver and gemstone jewelry. He would like to invest in a bulk purchase of silver and gemstones.

Dewa has been selling through NOVICA since 2017. This is his story:
"I'm Dewa and I was born in Bali in 1983 to a family of educators and traditional artists. My wife and I work hard together to create our unique jewelry pieces. We use silver, copper, and gemstones, which are difficult to work with. It takes great artistic and technical skills to make jewelry that people will love and cherish. My jewelry is special because of its unique designs. They are a beautiful and harmonious combination of traditional patterns and symbols with modern, elegant shapes."
"I would like to convey my gratitude to those who have helped me to develop my business by providing funds in the form of microcredit so that I can keep abreast of the innovation and market demands of jewelry and be able to satisfy the needs of my customers around the world."

Use the link below to view Dewa's handcrafted sterling silver and gemstone jewelry on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details