A loan helped a member to buy millet to prepare porridge.

08-Koute Diomboulou Group's story

This group was created in May 2008. It houses these nine members who live in the same area. Commerce and catering are their main income-generating activities.

Khady, aged 69, with her hand raised in the photo, is the leader of the group. Married and the mother of 5 children, she has 2 other dependent children. She is going to buy millet to prepare porridge to sell. She plans to help her husband, who does not work, manage family expenses.

In this group: Dieneba, Maimouna, Satang, Khady, Sinadie, Finda, Sona, Aissatou, Sounkar

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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