A loan helped a member to buy feed for raising pigs.

Regalos Group's story

The group named “Regalos” consists of five members who engage in different business activities to generate income. They try to spend as much time as they can with their loved ones because they know it can be something that is very difficult to get back.

Sra. Yendi is grateful for her loan because it will allow her to invest in feed for raising the pigs on her farm. She hopes to continue receiving loans in the near future so that she can buy another plot of land to expand her farm. Yendi says that when she started her business five years ago, she only had one piglet that she kept at her house. Today, not only has she improved her quality of life, but she also has better financial stability that allows her to take care of her child and her home.

The other women in the group are Sras. Maribel, Maria, Marlet, and Sonia. They are disciplined and committed women who dream of having established businesses and a better quality of life for their families.

In this group: Yendi Cristel, Maribel, Marlet, Maria Del Rosario, Sonia Karina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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