A loan helped a member to buy fish and other seafood to sell.

Gloriosas Group's story

The group named “Gloriosas” consists of hardworking woman who have a huge entrepreneurial spirit that enables them to financially provide for their families. Such is the case with Sra. Aday. She is 37 years old, in a common-law relationship, and has four children. With the income she earns from her sales, she is able to help her partner with the household expenses and also take care of her family.

Aday has been buying and selling fish for 20 years. She is a disciplined individual who is dedicated to making sales while taking care of her family since she is able to work from home. This allows her to take care of her children and generate income to pay for their studies.

With her portion of this loan, Aday plans to buy fish and other types of seafood to sell independently and through social networks. As a result, she will be able to pay for her children’s studies and have a better quality of life.

The other hardworking women in this group are Sras. Maria, Carla, and Silvia.

In this group: Carla Bartola, Silvia, Maria, Aday

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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