A loan helped a member to bulk buy products in the major city markets for resale in the village market.

Daga Gorome Group's story

The banc villageois was created on 11 December 2019. It is made up of women, all from the same village, who are hardworking and united.
Mrs Mbayang is a married mother of seven children, including three boys, all of whom attend school. She is a retailer of condiments and cleaning products. She is the woman on the right of the photo with her hand raised.
She buys condiments such as dried chilli peppers, pepper, Maggi bouillon cubes, and garlic, as well as cleaning products such as soap, Omo washing powder and bleach. She buys these from wholesalers and puts them into small sachets for resale.
She is very welcoming to her customers, who buy from her all the time. She sells at affordable prices. The products are needed daily, so they're easy to sell.
With the profits she is able to strengthen her business, participate in savings groups and meet the needs of her children.

In this group: Fatou, Amy, Aminata, Aissatou, Rokhaya, Ndèye Ngoné, Fatou, Astou, Mbayang, Seynabou, Fatou Faye, Aby, Bana

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sarah Hill.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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