A loan helped to buy paper, notebooks, pencils, folders, and pens, among other items.

Marjorie Monserrate's story

Marjorie Monserrate lives with her family in Jaramijo, a place known for its beautiful beaches and transparent waters and mineral water springs, and of its fishing ports where a large part of the population works in fishing.

She is a woman who fights to help her spouse with the household expenses. They are using a loan they forge their way ahead to a better future.

She has a business where she sells items of primary need for the home such as canned goods, dairy products, juices, and sodas among other items.

She is thankful for the loan and hopes that you will continue to help her to buy office supply products for her store which will help her improve her earnings for her family.

The loan will buy paper, notebooks, pencils, folders, and pens, among other things.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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