A loan helped a dedicated gluten free bakery buy more baking equipment to expand services in a new location.

Regina's story

About 8 years ago, I developed a severe gluten allergy, so my home baking business needed to go gluten free or bust. I started taking samples door to door as I developed GF cake recipes from scratch: recipes which would overcome GF stereotypes and taste great even to gluten-eaters. I sold the cakes at farmers markets and from my home. Little did I know how large was the demand for fresh GF baked goods in my community! They supported my business with such gusto that I was able to open a small retail operation in 2021.

Over the course of two years, my staff and I have been crafting more one-of-a-kind baked goods that the gluten free community has been missing for so long! Cinnamon rolls, soft cakey cakes, garlic-herb rolls... Folks come from far & wide because these fresh GF baked goods are such a rarity. I could not be more delighted to "make their day." Finding a place that accommodates their food restrictions (whether medically severe, or self-chosen) is such an encouragement & joy to our customers. I'm not trying to make fancy things-- I just want to make all the day-to-day yummy foods accessible to gluten-restricted eaters (like myself!) in a way that doesn't compromise quality. Everyone should have access to Christmas cinnamon rolls, pretty birthday cakes, and a plate full of biscuits & gravy, and not have to be the "odd man out" all the time at gatherings & restaurants where gluten-filled food is the norm.

We've outgrown our first space, and are fixing up a new building where the community will have easier access & more options, as well as GF baking classes! I feel very blessed to be in a position to serve my community this way.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About RegCakes Gluten Free Bakery

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: regcakes.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details