A loan helped to buy 12 pairs of trousers, 8 pairs of basin cloths and 10 bed sheets, as well as pay for the shipment of the goods.

Fatuma's story

Fatuma Nyiribahire is a merchant. She has been a client of the microfinance institution Amasezerano Community Banking S.A. since 2010. She is married, was born in Rwanda and has completed 6 years of secondary school. She is the mother of a 16-year-old child who attends school. She will use her loan to buy 12 pairs of trousers, 8 pairs of basin cloths and 10 bed sheets, as well as pay for the shipment of the goods. Her strategy for the growth of her business is to provide it with more working capital through self-financing. She would like to become a wholesaler and have her child educated.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Robert Mouris.

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