A loan helped to buy corn and bean seeds, chemical fertilizers and manure.

Fanomezantsoa's story

The young man on the picture is named Fanomezantsoa. He is married and has one child. He is a farmer and raises livestock. The family lives in a rural village. In order to increase his income, Fanomezantsoa also uses plough oxen to work as a labourer in other fields.

Fanomezantsoa has taken out loans with Vahatra. This has enabled him to further expand his farming and cattle operation. The partnership also allows him and his family to benefit from Vahatra ‘s health insurance. He saves his profits in order to buy more oxen in the future.

Fanomezantsoa is asking for this loan to grow corn and beans. He needs seeds, 40 kg of fertilizers and 5 cartloads of manure. He will sell his goods at the local market. He will add to his savings with his profits.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monique ROSS.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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