A loan helped purchase more electronic cash in bulk to meet her customer demand.

Florence's story

Florence is a 23-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her family in Twiffo Atti Morkwa district in Ghana.

With her previous Kiva loan she expanded her mobile money business. She used the profits she earned to support her family's daily needs.

Florence is now requesting another loan to purchase more electronic cash in bulk to meet her customer demand. She plans to use the profits she earns to reinvest in her business.

She will repay the ‘social interest’ on her second loan by volunteering 2.5 hours per week as a CAMFED Association Employer, empowering members of the CAMFED Association by employing them and offering them career guidance.

This loan is special because:

It provides 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs that give back to their community by mentoring.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details