A loan helped to purchase two pigs with 100 kilograms of feed.

Théophile's story

Théophile is a 24-year-old married young man with one child. The family still resides in a durable family house. The couple is engaged in both agriculture and livestock farming. To support their activities, Théophile decides to take out loans from Vahatra. He has been a partner for a few months and has successfully managed his field crops with the earnings from his previous loan. For this new loan, he plans to venture into pig farming. Théophile will purchase two pigs for fattening along with 100 kilograms of feed. He will supplement the feed to nourish his pigs and intends to sell them to the butcher in his village after six months of raising them. Théophile will save his earnings with the goal of constructing a suitable house for his family.

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

Loan details

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