A loan helped enable increased yields and incomes for more than 400 small farmers in Northern Ghana.

Complete Farmer's story

In rural Ghana, 90% of the working population depends on agriculture. Small farmers encounter numerous challenges including limited access to financing, insufficient knowledge of advanced farming techniques, storage problems, poor post-harvest management, and uncertainty regarding market access and fair prices for their crops.

Complete Farmer is a locally-founded Ghanaian social enterprise that empowers African farmers to connect with buyers worldwide through an innovative digital marketplace platform. With a comprehensive end-to-end solution, Complete Farmer facilitates seamless transactions between farmers and global industries, helping African farmers efficiently meet international demand. Working with Complete Farmer typically results in an average income increase of 12% and an average yield increase of 8% for farmers.

Complete Farmer has worked with more than 31,000 farmers, with 63% falling within the age bracket of 30 years and under and 41% of these farmers being women.

Kiva’s loan will impact over 400 farmers served by Complete Farmers’ fulfillment centers, mostly in the underdeveloped northern region of Ghana. This is Complete Farmers’ second loan through the Kiva Social Enterprise program. View their last loan here.

This loan is special because:

It enables market access and increased yields for youth and women small farmers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details