A loan helped to continue her studies toward a degree in Management and International Business.

Valeria's story

Valeria is studying for a degree in Management and International Business at La Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. She lives with her parents who work for a processing company. Valeria is the oldest daughter. Her younger sister is in high school. She is studying in her degree program because she gains exposure to different operational areas of an organization, so it helps to see other perspectives within a business. Valeria dedicates several hours to her studies and enjoys trying different study methods depending on the course.

One of her challenges is not being able to finish her degree because of limited resources. For this reason, she is requesting the support of Kiva so that she can continue her degree, become a professional, and reach the position of an executive for a large organization.

Valeria is extremely grateful for this opportunity. She sends the following message: “Many thanks for providing this help, not only to me, but to different people who are not able to cover the cost of their studies. This gives me the necessary peace of mind to finish my degree. The lenders provide much-needed support to people pursuing their professional education so that they can get ahead.”

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students ensure their studies continuity and attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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Lenders and lending teams

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