A loan helped to purchase the materials she needs to produce a variety of products to participate in trade fairs and to trade abroad.

Saranchimeg's story

Saranchimeg is a 39-year-old hardworking and determined woman. She has been making cashmere products for 15 years. She has one assistant under her and her family is very supportive of her business. She has 4 children and lives with her husband. Her children are between 3 and 16 years old. Also, her husband works in a vacuum window factory. Their family is very kind and hardworking.

Saranchimeg was first an assistant in a carpet factory and started this job because she liked knitting while working. 10 to 20 people visit her sewing shop every day. By expanding her business and increasing her income, she would be able to focus on her children's education, as well as renovating her house. One of the few problems that her business faces is that it is a seasonal business that sometimes runs out of working capital. Saranchimeg aims to expand her product range by producing and selling more products rather than custom-made clothes. With this loan, she wants to purchase the materials she needs, produce a variety of products to participate in trade fairs, and to trade abroad.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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