A loan helped continue and complete her studies.

Rossy Isabel Del Rozario's story

Rossy is studying Accounting and Administration at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Peru. She lives with her parents and siblings. Her father works in Operations and her mother is an accountant. Rossy is the 3rd of 4 children and the only child pursuing a higher education. She decided to study Accounting because she feels it's a line of work that has been familiar to her since she was first in school. She has helped her mother do accounting for some of her clients and she will be able to work in a great variety of businesses. Rossy studies for several hours each day, reviewing and preparing for her classes. Once she has completed her studies, she would like to try being a business auditor. In any event, one of the reasons her professional life has been delayed is due to economics. For this reason, Rossy is requesting support from Kiva so she can continue her studies, obtain her license and aspire to a senior position as a professional. She is grateful to know there are people who want to help other people achieve their dreams. To them she says the following: Many thanks for offering me support. This type of action motivates me to help when I am settled professionally. I promise to be a part of this chain of help for another person who might need it.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students ensure their studies continuity and attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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